Global Flags
-u, --api-url string API endpoint of blockchain node (default "")
--delay-sec int Set time to wait before transaction is executed, in seconds. Defaults to 0 second.
--expiration int Set time before transaction expires, in seconds. Defaults to 30 seconds. (default 30)
--kms-gcp-keypath string Path to the cryptoKeys within a keyRing on GCP
--offline-chain-id string Chain ID to sign transaction with. Use all --offline- options to sign transactions offline.
--offline-head-block string Provide a recent block ID (long-form hex) for TaPoS. Use all --offline options to sign transactions offline.
--offline-sign-key strings Public key to use to sign transaction. Must be in your vault or wallet. Use all --offline- options to sign transactions offline.
-p, --permission strings Permission to sign transactions with. Optionally specify more than one, or separate by comma
--skip-sign Do not sign the transaction. Use with --write-transaction.
--sudo-wrap Wrap the transaction in a eosio.sudo exec. Useful to BPs, with --write-transaction and --skip-sign to then submit as a multisig proposition.
--vault-file string Wallet file that contains encrypted key material (default "./eosc-vault.json")
--wallet-url strings Base URL to wallet endpoint. You can pass this multiple times to use the multi-signer (will use each wallet to sign multi-sig transactions).
--write-transaction string Do not broadcast the transaction produced, but write it in json to the given filename instead.